Chosen Farm & Mill Chosen Farm And Mill

About Us

Chosen Farm & Sawmill - A Charitable Organization

Who We Are

  • Hello, God Bless, and thank you for taking the time to get to know us!
  • We are Chosen Farm & Sawmill. My name is Joey Jamison and my family is blessed to know God through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
  • My wife is Sandra and our seven (Yes, seven) children are Jessica, Toni, Vanessa, Christopher, Nathan, Evan, and Katrina. Toni's children are Jacob and her twin boys Nathan and Allen. Vanessa had our first granddaughter, Olivia. Christopher's children are Maxwell and Sarah.
  • This is our family. Only three still live at home. Nathan is finishing a computer science degree with the University of Houston. Evan, our special baby boy, keeps Katrina company while she creates artwork. She has amazing talents in art and loves to draw, crochet, and many other crafts.
  • I have been blessed to have a personal relationship with Jesus. He and I spend our days together figuring out what is next. With the ups & downs, Jesus has always been our rock.
  • I am a Master Electrician and General Contractor (semi-retired) and I focus on the calling that the Lord puts on my heart each day. He provides for us and we never lack.
  • Sandra is an Occupational Therapy Assistant and she works on Saturdays. The rest of the week, she homeschools and takes care of all the needs of our family.

How It Happened

  • With the hurricanes, tornadoes, winds, and everything else that has been thrown at us, we have learned to lean more and more on God and his Word. Everything can be lost, but I am grateful because the Lord is with me and my family.
  • A tree came through the roof. What a mess! How are we going to fix this? What do I do? And then, I let the Holy Spirit lead me and I take the next step.
  • COVID comes and shuts down society. Nathan is home from school, at a standstill, with student debt. How do we fix this? What do we do? And again, with the Holy Spirit, we get up and take the next step.
  • The septic broke! Crapped out! is finished! Wow! The costs to replace it are as bad as the costs of college. Ours is outdated and cannot be fixed. Instead, we require a brand new system that costs tens of thousands of dollars. Come on! Again, lean on God. With his help, I take the next step.
  • There are many stories like this that have required us to lean on God. When I was hit by three trucks going 60 MPH while sitting at a red light. All the vehicles in the accident were totaled and my back was broken in five different places! My neck was fused from C-3 to C-5. I was stuck in bed for almost one and a half years. L-3, L-4, and L-5 were cleaned up, but never corrected because everyone ran out of money. I have been walking now for a bit over a year because my family and my Church all came together and prayed, and through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, I was healed. I got up and took the next step, all while leaning on God. I continue to take life leaning on God, no matter what comes my way.
Collection of Chosen Farm Pictures